Sunday, June 19, 2011

Giving Your Article Its Wings: How to Boost Your Article’s PR

Swallowtail Butterfly

Ever wondered how the circle of websites’ life make it to the top (at one point) and then down (at another)? How about articles that surge their way to 1,000 hits a day when another would just end up without any hit at all?

Me too, I’ve been curious with the factors affecting article PR when I started out writing blogs, website articles and the like. Nevertheless, in my search for the answers I found out about SEO and site importance.

First of all, when it comes to SEO, what I’ve realized is that one can benefit greatly with keywords. I’ll share more about this very important part of an optimized article later on (if you stick by my blog). Now to provide a glimpse of how keywords work, let’s put it this way. Since websites are searched through search engines through words we type, said simply, we would thus need the best keywords to fit the article’s purpose and audience. Note: audience and purpose go hand in hand. The article writer would have to consider these when writing.

Another part of the SEO tricks of the trade would then be the links. Talk about inbound links (those coming into the page), reciprocal links, internal links, and some other hilarious links Outspoken Media has crafted. :-)

On the other hand, aside from expert SEO techniques, writers would definitely have to consider writing, if not a really expert take on his subject, a very passionate write-up on his field. In this way, readers would indeed grasp the message with ease (more or less guaranteeing many returns).

After crafting the message, to give wings to articles, we will now search for article submission sites. One of my most favorite, Ezinearticles, is one of these directories to look into, by the way. Using these directories, we can place author bios containing blog/website urls, descriptions of who we are, and basically build up our publicity to the rest of the online world.

From there, once credibility has been established, we, as writers of web content, can savor the plentiful returns of efficient web branding.   

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